Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, We begin with mazel tov wishes to our friends Barbara and Gavi Simon upon the wedding this past Sunday -with the Ois and eishes chayil
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, We begin with mazel tov wishes to our friends Barbara and Gavi Simon upon the wedding this past Sunday -with the Ois and eishes chayil
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Dead Yet Alive & Taking Advice From Those Less Fortunate: And in the shout out that slipped through the cracks last week, a big mazel
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, A few mazel tov shoutouts, here we go. We begin with a mazel tov shout out to another niece, Esther Miller, who will be
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Moishe & His 250 Women & Five Very Strong and Aggressive Women: Moishe had 250 women? Was it party time following his divorce from Tzipoirah?
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, A big mazel tov-shout to our cousins Shaindy and Mendy Handler upon the bar mitzvah last shabbis of their dear son Sholom. Mazel tov to
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, We begin with another shout out -the big one- on the upcoming wedding -starting just about now as this week’s Toirah gets disseminated- to Marni
Print this PostNOTE TO READERS: the heylige Ois is traveling (without his laptop) this week. Please enjoy this review originally posted back in 2015 -as if you might recall?- and
Print this PostWe begin with a correction and another mazel-tov shout out to our friends Naomi and David Kaszovitz, upon the upcoming wedding -later today- of their son Josh, who
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, 600,000 Pus Men and 6 Women: Before we get to the six women, let us instead begin with a shtikel plug to Physical Therapist Bruce
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Hookers, Harlots & Going Out with a Bang! Let’s begin with a shtikel Rambam where in (Hilchos Ishus 1:4) he tells us azoy: “Before the