Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies: Why We Get Sick: From time to time, I will go out of my way to shout someone out. This week I begin with a
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies: Why We Get Sick: From time to time, I will go out of my way to shout someone out. This week I begin with a
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Reunifications & Traveling Bones: Welcome to Parshas Vayichi, where we say goodbye to Yaakov, to Yoisef, and according to some, even to Eisav. As we
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Shoin, Chanukah is in our rear-view windows, and it’s time for some serious planning. For the first time in 13 years, the Ois will be
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, We attended two great simchas this past Sunday, here we go. A big mazel tov to Jacob Mael upon his recent engagement to Kayla Siebzener,
Print this PostDeathbed Curses & Blessings Is there a difference between a blessing and a curse? Zicher there is and so logic would dictate! Ober, can a curse also
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, We begin this week’s review with big mazel tov wishes to our dear friend and superwoman Rochelle Rohde, upon the marriage this past Wednesday evening
Print this PostRaboyseyee & Ladies, Playing Favorites This shabbis, as we read parshas Vayichi, with which we will close out Sefer Bereishis (Book of Genesis), we will learn
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies: Who Killed Eisav and Why & Vayichi Roundup: Parshas Vayichi features three deaths, two of which are specifically mentioned in the heylige Toirah. Avada
Print this Post We begin with mamish givaldige and exciting news as we announce the engagement of Brocha Libman, the beautiful daughter of Chevi and Rabbi Dovid Libman, to Nosson
Print this PostThis week we begin with a Happy Anniversary shout-out to Dena -she the eishes chayil that prepares her husband’s coffee cup each evening with inspiring quotes- and Ben