Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Back From the Dead: The heylige Ois and eishes chayil are back from a business / pleasure trip to Spain and a few other countries.
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Back From the Dead: The heylige Ois and eishes chayil are back from a business / pleasure trip to Spain and a few other countries.
Print this PostOne more shout out -why not- to the heylige Ois and eishes chayil upon the marriage this past Tuesday of our daughter Alex who is now married to
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Dynasty, Pedigree and Privilege Raboyseyee, in a few more weeks, the heylige Ois will be wrapping up year 12 of his heylige posts; OMG, and
Print this PostJob Opening: Leader of the Jews Raboyseyee and Ladies: Is one required to be married to a nice Jewish girl from a nice Jewish family in order to
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, 600,000 Pus Men and 6 Women: Before we get to the six women, let us instead begin with a shtikel plug to Physical Therapist Bruce
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies, Tainted Heroes This past Monday evening, over dinner with the eishes chayil, chaver Elliot Ostro and his eishes chayil Gail, Elliot asked what topic
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies: The Tzelofchod Five Long before the Jackson Five became famous in 1967, a group consisting of the five Jackson kinderlach – Michael, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies: General Pinchas & the Midianite Women Shoin! The ominous three weeks are in full bloom and this coming motzei shabbis as we daven maariv, we
Print this PostMazel tov to our friends Beth and Yehuda Honig and to their extended families upon the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Natalie and Josh Honig.
Print this PostRaboyseyee and Ladies Dead and Alive? Though long dead, this week, we will once again say hello to Nodov & Avihu, Doson & Avirom, Eyr & Oinon, even